lunes, 20 de julio de 2009

Venter's Way II - Some more notes on genetics and atoms

Some more notes on genetics and atoms

On reading Newsweek’s article on Venter, Church and their research work, I came to realize some more things, other than what I wrote in my previous note, here in my blog.

Biologists are working in researching ways to ignite combustion for finding new ways to save energy and use cheaper means for energy creation. There, my analisis gave me the clue, and I bet for what I ideated, my 20 cents: what about making two atoms hate each other enough in a sort of antagonism for occupation of a specific location in a certain material. Protons of one of the atoms, in the case where the invaded atom had a surplus of protons, would ignite fire.

In the same article, more issues were mentioned as being discussed; particularly epigenetics and the finding what else, besides the genoma, makes a heart tick. What makes up besides the original DNA.

Well, there I have come to analize on my mind, with all the elements I have read about genetics, that what is there, surrounding our ADN and changing, where twin siblings get to have different personalities, is, as they made me realize on reading the article: environment and life. But what I mean with environment is the way the person is affected with surrounding objects, the way the energy flows towards that person, including the environment and all the random cases of energy exchange with the outside... time to think how the mind focuses on the surroundings and gives back information of who we are and where we stand, so that the person adapts to the environment and, as a sort of adaptation, changes inside...

Written and produced by:
Clara Placencia
Ecuador, 07/19/2009

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